
  • PRE-PRODUCTION: Sales Kit & Pitch (ready by half of August 2008), Crewing, Casting, Dressing, Rehearsing
  • PRODUCTION: Shooting (first two weeks of October 2008)
  • POST-PRODUCTION: Editing (starting 1st of November 2008)
  • DISTRIBUTION: Screening (end of 2008)

Wednesday 18 June 2008


This is the web site dedicated to the production of a short fiction film called 'Ima Dola'. Use the navigation menu on the side to find the information you are looking for.


A Post-Post-Modern Fairytale about a girl who becomes a doll and forgets herself.

As a little girl, "Ima Dola" loved to dance. Her father, a talented pianist, loved to compose beautiful songs for her. He longed to keep her innocent forever and one day while Ima danced, the song shifted; it became powerful and changed her. Ima's limbs stiffened mid-dance and her skin became fabric. She became a doll and could no longer dance.

After becoming a doll, "Ima Dola" lost her name, her memories, and her reason for being. Now she sits on a bench day after day blinking and waiting to die, feeling useless and longing to become fully inanimate. She has no reason for living until she meets the Stranger. He wants to help her by changing her back into a girl, but she doesn't want to be a girl. And she doesn't want to be a doll. She wants to be herself. She wants to be a woman, and to have the freedom to decide who that is on her own.

This 20 minute digital colour film, sheds light on the struggle of identity, dreams, and talent which has been wasted and lost. Set in Edinburgh with riveting piano music and dance.

Transcendent. Powerful. Original. A fresh look at identity and potential a world of opposition and control.